Here you will find a few texts and other sources which we have found inspirational and have provided key evidence for our projects.

This is an aspirational resource and will be amended and perhaps commented as time allows. At right, a “Draft of socio-petal design” by Kiyoshi (Joe) Izumi (1965). 

Awenat YF, Peters S, Gooding PA, Pratt D, Huggett C, Harris K, et al. (2019) Qualitative analysis of ward staff experiences during research of a novel suicide-prevention psychological therapy for psychiatric inpatients: Understanding the barriers and facilitators.

Baldwin S. Effects of furniture rearrangement on the atmosphere of wards in a maximum-security hospital. Hospital and Community Psychiatry,Washington 1985; 36(5): 525–528.

Bickley H, et al. (2013) Suicide within two weeks of discharge from psychiatric inpatient care: a case-control study. Psychiatr Serv 64(7):653-9. doi: 10.1176/

Blomkvist V, Eriksen CA, Theorell T, Ulrich R, Rasmanis G. (2005) Acoustics and psychosocial environment in intensive coronary care. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 62

Bowers L, James K, Quirk A, Simpson A, Stewart D, Hodsoll J. (2015) Reducing conflict and containment rates on acute psychiatric wards: the Safewards cluster randomised controlled trial. Int J Nurs Stud 52: 1412–22

Day C, Parnell R. Consensus Design, London: Routledge, (2002) doi: 10.4324/9780080502885

Daykin N, Byrne E, Soteriou T et al. (2008) The impact of art, design and environment in mental healthcare: a systematic review o fthe literature. J R Soc Promot Health 128: 85–94.

Francis S,Willis J, Garvey A, (2003) King’s Fund. NHS Estates. Department of Health. Evaluation of the King’s Fund’s enhancing the healing environment programme. London: The Stationery Office, 2003

Gibson, J. J., The Senses Considered as Perceptual Systems. London: Allen and Unwin, (1966).

Gibson, J. J. "The Theory of Affordances,” Chapter 8 in The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, (1979)., pp. 127-137.

Hancock, Herbie. (1973) Watermelon Man from the Album Head Hunters

HM Government (2019) Preventing suicide in England: Fourth progress report of the cross-government outcomes strategy to save lives; published Jan 2019

Jovanović, N., Campbell, J., & Priebe, S. (2019). How to design psychiatric facilities to foster positive social interaction – a systematic review. European Psychiatry, 60,49–62. doi: 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2019.04.005. 

Jovanović N, Miglietta E, Podlesek A, Malekzadeh A, Lasalvia A, Campbell J, Priebe S (2020). Impact of the hospital built environment on treatment satisfaction of psychiatric in-patients. Psychological Medicine 1–12. 10.1017/ S0033291720003815 

Kahan, Fannie. Brains and Bricks: The History of the Yorkton Psychiatric Centre. Regina, Sask. (Canada) : White Cross Publications, (1965). 

Kincaid C, Peacock JR.(2003)The effect of a wall mural on decreasing four types of door-testing behaviours. Journalof Applied Gerontology 22(1): 76–88

Moran J. (1978) An alternative to constant observation: the Behavioral Check List. Perspect Psychiatr Care 144: 114–7

Nawaz RF, Reen G, Bloodworth N, Maughan D, Vincent C. (2021) Interventions to reduce self-harm on in-patient wards: systematic review. BJPsych Open. 2021 Apr 16;7(3):e80. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2021.41.

Passini R, Rainville C, Marchand N, Joanette Y. (1998) Wayfnding and dementia: Some research findings and a new look at design. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research 15(2): 133–151.

Sakinofsky I. (2014) Preventing suicide among inpatients. Can J Psychiatry 59(3):131-40. doi: 10.1177/070674371405900304

Staricoff R, Loppert S. (2003) Integrating the arts into healthcare: can we affect clinical outcomes? 2003, p.63–79.

Ulrich RS, Simons RF, Losito BD, Fiorito E. (1991) Stress recovery during exposure to natural and urban environments. Journal of Environmental Psychology 11(3): 201–230.

Ulrich R, Bogren L, Gardiner S, Lundin S. (2018) Psychiatric ward design can reduce aggressive behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology (57): 53-66 doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2018.05.002